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M points Program

How to Get Points?

  • 10 M POINTS

    Upload your avatar in "My Account". (Points rewarded for initial upload only)

  • Equivalent Points

    Purchase $1 USD gets 1 M point, excluding Final Sale and Points Redemption items. Special items can offer more.

  • 500 M POINTS

    Write a review get up to 100 M points, upload a photo or video in review get 500 M points, and double points reward for purchase if your review selected as premium review. Personalize profile get 40 M points.

How to Use Points?

  • (1)
  • 100 points = $1

    When your points reach 50 (minimum), you can use them for discount.

    But point savings cannot exceed a certain percentage of the final merchandise value; 3% for M0 members & Guests; 4% for M1 members;

    5% for M2 members; 6% for M3 members.

  • (2)
  • The guidelines for using M points

    M Points cannot be redeemed against certain special sale items.

    Orders which use M points for payment can not get M points.

    The amount of M points awarded is not affected by coupons.

    For example: commodity value =$10.00, use 10% off coupon = $9.00. You receive 10 M points.

    Points will expire 365 days after the date of your last point change. reserves the right to amend these rules and provisions.

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